The Art and Science of Sharing Christian Belief
Learn how to share the growing body of scientific and educational research that supports the Holy Scripture
Many Christians are afraid to speak out or defend their faith, mistakenly believing that science disproves the Bible, or that popular culture provides a more “loving” way of caring for the needs of others.
The truth is completely the opposite.
Don’t believe it? Lack confidence?
The Truth will set you free.
Current study course:
Practical Apologetics – Stealing From God
Frank Turek, author of the book and study course, ‘Stealing From God.’ is an American Christian Apologist, author, public speaker, and radio host. He is best known as the founder and president of the Christian Ministry CrossExamined.org. Primary Points of Stealing From God Presentation Atheists state that ultimately nothing matters, and use arguments from science, reason, morality and evil to support their position. Frank Turek’s position is that Atheist are actually stealing from God to provide evidence for their assertions.
Apologetics Courses
Apologetics Resources
To aid in your study of apologetics, we are assembling a collection of books, videos, podcasts, and other media from the best Christian apologists.
This list of Christian Apologetics video resources does not imply an official endorsement of any particular position; rather, these simply reference resources for those who want to study the various perspectives of professional Apologists.
The purpose of this section is simply to offer a list of some of the Christian Apologetics books we have studied or used as references in the preparation of the Apologetics Class. There is a growing number of good apologetics resources and the challenge is to highlight the best ones. Please let us know if there are any good books we need to add to this list.
Groups / Organizations Websites
Are you looking to find a group of like-minded individuals with a passion for defending the faith? This list of local and Nation organizations can help you to get connected to others who have an interest in apologetics. There is likely a group in this area, and if there isn’t, there are several ways you can start your own apologetics small group.

While researching the material for this Apologetics class we found links to many helpful Apologetic Study Guides and other free on-line class materials.

To Get the most from the course
We recommend bringing a notebook to record your thoughts as ideas that we discuss in class. Reading ahead in the book will give you an opportunity to consider what questions you would like to address in class.
We also provide a number of other resources on this site, many of which we have used in creating the supplemental materials. We’re certain you will find them very informative.
In addition, we suggest connecting with your fellow classmates. The study of Christian apologetics is most effective if it is an ongoing part of your Bible study, and the support of others can keep you motivated.
But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
1 Peter 3:15 ESV