God and Astrophysics

Dr. Hugh Ross
More Christ
Video Date:
November 05, 2021


Welcome to More Christ, where we seek to bring some of the world’s most interesting and insightful guests to discuss life’s central and abiding questions. In this sixty first episode in a series of discussions, I’m joined by the delightful Dr Hugh Ross.

Astrophysicist Hugh Ross is the founder and president of Reasons to Believe (RTB), an organization dedicated to demonstrating the compatibility of science and the Christian faith.

Intrigued by astronomy from childhood, Ross became the youngest-ever director of observations for Vancouver’s Royal Astronomical Society at age 16. He completed his BSc in physics at the University of British Columbia and MS and PhD in astronomy at the University of Toronto. For postdoctoral studies, the National Research Council of Canada sent him to the California Institute of Technology, where he researched galaxies and quasars. In 2012, Ross, together with Dr Gerald Schroeder, received the Ide P. Trotter Prize presented by Texas A&M University in recognition of his work in demonstrating connections between science and religion.

While leading RTB and keeping a close eye on the scientific literature, Ross also remains on the pastoral team at Christ Church Sierra Madre. His writings include journal and magazine articles and numerous books—Weathering Climate Change, The Creator and the Cosmos, and Improbable Planet, among others. He has spoken on hundreds of university campuses as well as at conferences and churches around the world.

Ross lives in Southern California with his wife, Kathy.

If you’d like to learn more about Hugh and his work then please see these links:




