John Lennox: What Is Apologetics?

Dr. John Lennox
Video Date:
January 29, 2014
John Lennox (Academic) Apologetics

Review Notes:

As a word, Apologetics is actually a transliteration not a translation of the Greek word apologia, which simply means defense. It’s used in the New Testament many times particularly by the Apostle Paul in terms of his defending the Christian message. He was evangelizing in a pluralistic world of many different philosophies and beliefs. The moment he started to talk about Christ and sharing the message of the Christian gospel, people would ask questions. There would be misunderstandings, so Paul would be answering questions. He’d be defending Christianity and that is what is meant by apologetics.

It’s very important to see that Apologetics not a subdivision of philosophy 101 it’s actually part of essential communication of the Christian gospel. In the 21st century, anybody who tries to communicate Christianity in the public square will be asked questions and inevitably be involved in what is called apologetics. Perhaps the better term would be something like “persuasive evangelism”. It simply is a fact that there are many misunderstandings, many questions, many misrepresentations, and accusations that we have to defend Christianity against.

It’s noticeable in the case of the Apostle Paul, in the book of Acts, that Christianity was in a very real sense on trial. With Paul, it wasn’t simply his actual verbal answers, it was his whole attitude of life, and the man himself. It’s worthwhile remembering that when we Christians put our heads above the parapet, we are on trial and the gospel the Christian message will be judged by our responses. That’s why it is important, in the famous statement by the Apostle Peter, that we notice the context and the manner in which the Christian message is to be defended.

I’ve been very struck by the fact, that the context of the famous words, “…always be ready to give a defense to those that ask you concerning the hope that is within you.”

is fear. Just a few statements earlier, Peters talking about fear. Don’t be afraid of what other people are afraid of; don’t feel threatened; so it’s quite clear that this business of giving an answer wasn’t just sitting around an armchair with a few cozy friends chatting about defending Christianity. Believers are often under very hostile fire, and it affects all of us, we do get threatened and we do feel afraid. Peter is saying don’t fear… its very well to be told not to fear, but what’s going to help us not be afraid. It’s the next statement that seems to me to be central to this whole issue.  “Don’t fear but sanctify your hearts. Christ is Lord.”

That means to set apart Christ as number one in our lives, as the basic center, the central focus, and we set Him apart as Lord and governor of our lives. Then be ready to give an answer. That tells me also that it’s just not simply a question of mastering a whole lot of intellectual answers to sophisticated questions.  It starts with an attitude of heart towards the lordship of Christ and it’s a question of obeying him. From that, gaining the strength to attempt at least to answer the questions that people throw at us.